Pass Plus Course

Pass Plus Courses Somerset

COST £160

Course includes certificate that may help you receive a discount on your car insurance. (Check participating companies here).

Pass Plus is a road safety initiative aimed at improving the skills of new drivers and is designed by the Driving Standards Agency (DSA) with the help of insurers and the driving instruction industry.

You can take a Pass Plus course at any time, but it’s mainly aimed at new drivers in the first year after passing their test.

Your New Driver instructor will take you through all six practical modules, teaching you how to anticipate, plan for and deal with all kinds of hazards. The aim is to enhance your test-level driving capability and give you all the confidence you need to deal with any driving situation.

The course covers the following 6 modules;

  • Town Driving
    Driving in town can be daunting: rush hour traffic, complicated junctions and traffic systems... learn the skills to deal with all these and more.
  • All-Weather Driving
  • Rain, fog, bright sunshine, snow and ice: find out how to drive safely in all the different weather conditions you'll face on the road.
  • Driving Out of Town
    Country roads can harbour all kinds of hazards, from sharp bends and potholes to farm vehicles and animals in the road.
  • Night Driving
    Dealing with dazzle, judging distance and speed, using your lights correctly - these are just some of the areas covered.
  • Driving on Dual Carriageways
    To drive safely on fast, multi-lane roads you'll need all your skills of observation, concentration, anticipation and lane discipline.
  • Driving on Motorways
  • Motorways are like no other roads: learn how to drive on them correctly and safely under expert supervision.

Night Driving / All Weather Driving

We have found that people prefer to learn to drive in the lighter, warmer summer months, and who can blame them?

It’s fine to take all your lessons and pass in the sunshine, except that when the summer is over, you may feel a little nervous about driving in the very dark, wet, cold and icy conditions of the great British winter.

Night driving: Driving in different light conditions, such as dusk, dawn, bright sunshine or darkness without street lamps, can be as different as driving in different weather conditions.

Knowing how to judge distances in the dark, when to use your dipped or full beam, reading and judging other vehicles and potential hazards based on their lights, and even knowing how to use your brake lights at a pedestrian crossing to show other road users that you’ve stopped, are all straightforward skills which you can master with expert tuition from our driving instructors.

All weather driving: While we may not be able to simulate every type of weather condition while you’re on our all weather driving course, we will give you the best tuition and guidance on how to drive in every kind of adverse weather condition, from heavy rain, to deep snow, and light mist to fog, sleet, and ice. Knowing when to use your fog lights and how to drive in low gear in sub zero weather conditions are just some of the areas we will cover.

Motorway Driving

It’s that old problem: as a learner driver you were not allowed to drive on the motorway, but now you’ve passed and can drive on the motorway, you may be a little nervous because you don’t have the experience or confidence to do so.

Well it’s easy when you know how. Motorway rules and etiquette are quite different from those you’d have experienced as a learner driver, our patient, friendly and experienced instructors will teach you to:

  • approach the motorway:
    observation, speed, indication and joining;
  • drive on the motorway:
    lane etiquette, observation, seeing and avoiding incidents, changing lanes, speed and indication;
  • leaving the motorway:
    preparation, observation, indication, signalling, speed and safety;
  • emergency safety:
    what to do and how to be safe in the event of a breakdown or accident.

To ask any question or to book please contact us.